Archive for the ‘Hyperthyroidism’ Category

Can Your Mind Heal Your Thyroid??

When I first wrote Life Manual for Graves’ disease and Hyperthyroidism”, I knew that I carried an important message of hope. I had no idea though that it would change the lives of so many people who suffer from thyroid disorders.

I passionately wrote about my own journey of recovering from Graves’ disease and what I have found helpful in this recovery process.

But my first book, and the other 6 books that followed, did not cover some very important aspects: the mental, psychological and emotional and how these aspects relates to your thyroid disorder. The reason: I wasn’t fully prepared to include this information yet. I had the parts of the puzzle, but I didn’t know how to put them together. I did not have the complete theoretical explanation and scientific prove behind my findings.

Today, after many years of experimenting and research, thousands emails from clients, and my own personal experience on the subject, I believe I cracked the code of thyroid healing. And I it is my moral obligation to share that information with you.

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000038_00049] This is how the idea about my newest book “Mental, Emotional and Psychological Aspects of Thyroid Disorders” book was born.

It took me more than a year to write this book and I have to admit that it wasn’t an easy process.

 But I know today for sure that any thyroid disorder (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, Graves’ disease or Hashimoto’s disease) is not only about what you eat, drink or hormone imbalance, even though they are all important. It is way more complicated than that.
 I also I believe that if I personally created my illness and I can create my healing as well. And today I know how.

So can your mind heal your thyroid?

After being 11 years in “remission”, hundreds of hours research and working with many clients, I believe:


Yes, It CAN! Thyroid disorders are “curable”!

It not a magic, but it’s not so simple either.  It was a long journey for me, writing this book. I put my heart in it with the only intention to help you in your healing journey from your thyroid disorder (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Graves’ disease or Hashimoto’s disease).

So now, get ready for your journey! I am offering my newest book on a special price for the next 10 days, because you are a valuable person for me. Take advantage of it! Be the first to know!

Click on the link below to find out more!

“Mental, Emotional and Psychological Aspects of Thyroid Disorders” Ebook



Graves’ Disease and Hyperthyroidism Treatment..The Psychological Approach

How are you treated from Graves’ Disease and Hyperthyroidism? Mental disorders versus physical disorders treatment and what’s the difference?

Graves' DiseaseAny mental disorder is considered “abnormal” functioning of cognition, mood, emotions or behavior. “Abnormal” means out of the norm established by the majority of people. Abnormal is characterized by the 4 D’s- deviation, distress, dysfunction and danger. Any physical disorder, regardless if it is physical or autoimmune disorder is also abnormal- it deviant from the “health” norm, it causes distress and dysfunction and it could be dangerous, I mean, yes, you can die.


Why I am bringing up mental versus physical disorders treatment? Because, regardless of their origin, they should be treated with similar understanding and similar approaches. How’s that?

All mental disorders are discussed by scientists in the frame of different models, to be more specific there are about 400 therapy approaches, including biological, all aiming to treat mental disorders. So why the physical disorders should be approached and treated only in accordance with the biological model- i.e medication, RAI or surgery for Graves’ Disease for example?

Many mental disorders are discussed as a result of biological and chemical dysfunctions: low activity of the neurotransmitter gamma- globulin acid (GABA) may lead to anxiety disorders, schizophrenia is explained with dopamine overactivity and depression is linked to low serotonin and norepinephrine levels. Hormones are the other factor, found to influence some mood disorders, especially the cortisol, the stress hormone. And this hormone affects people with Graves’ disease as well! Accordingly, the supporters of bilogical model apply drug therapies, electroconvulsive therapy or even brain surgeries in attempt to correct these abnormalities. Very similar to the conventional treatment options for Graves’ disease, as you see: your hormones are not right and we will fix that with drugs (or RAI or surgery). These are the only approved by the conventional medicine methods of treatment, not only in the USA, but worldwide.

Mental DisorderHowever, mental disorders, luckily, are not treated only in accordance with this biological- medication method. As I already mentioned, 400 different psychotherapies are used worldwide as well. So, then why an autoimmune disease like Graves’ disease cannot be treated equally, with other available options? Let’s make a parallel between different models and treatments:

Psychodynamic model: The three forces that define abnormal behavior, according the father of this theory Sigmund Freud are the instincts (ID), rational thinking (or Ego) and moral standards (Super Ego). The Id functions on the pleasure principle and includes instinct needs, sexual impulses and desires. The ego is connected with the experience acquired through the years and it acts on the reality principle, and provides information regarding whether or not it is safe to express impulses generated by the Id. Superego represents the moral authority and individual’s values and ideals. Those three forces are adjusting and developing through the years and if these adjustments are successful, that leads the individual to normal psychological development. If the process fails, the person gets fixated in certain stage of development and that leads to abnormal behavior and abnormal functioning. How about we consider as well Graves’ disease or hyperthyroidism as a result of this conflict between ID, Ego and Superego, but it manifests itself not on a mental, but physical level?

Behavioral model supports the theory that all actions are result of certain experiences in life and how the individual responds to the surrounding environment. Accordingly, the behavior can change in response to the environment. Behavioral theory distinguishes a few forms of conditioning that can shape human behavior: operant conditioning, related to receiving rewards for certain behaviors, classical conditioning, based on the associations made by the individual when two events occur simultaneously and modeling, which pertains to the observation of certain behavior in others. Behavioral approach seeks what particular behaviors are causing the abnormality and tries to replace these behaviors by applying the principles of modeling, operant conditioning and classical conditioning. How about we consider Graves ’ disease as a result of the environment and your behavior is causing that physical “abnormality” called Graves’ disease?

Cognitive model explains abnormality as a result of inaccurate assumptions, thoughts, attitudes and conclusions that may lead to abnormal behavior of the individual. Another reason found by cognitive model that may result in abnormal functioning is the illogical thinking and overgeneralization. People often follow illogical ways of thinking and draw self- harming conclusions, which sometimes result from one single, small negative event. How we consider Graves’ Disease as a result of these inaccurate assumptions and actions and according to them people get  sick with Graves’ disease, instead of depression?

Humanistic- existential model suggests that when children are not raised in positive environment they create inaccurate view of themselves and their life experiences, which may generate psychological problems later on in their lives as adults. Abnormality is viewed by existentialist as lack of responsibility regarding life and clients are encouraged to take responsibility of their lives, chose a different course, different actions and greater meaning. How about redesigning your life and taking different course and action, different from the one that caused Grave’s disease on a very first place?

These are just few examples of different approaches regarding mental disorders, but why not the same models be applied to physical disorders like Graves’ disease? If you consider just the biological approach and interpretation, I believe that you are grossly reducing your chances of recovery. Because the body is not a machine, which parts, when not functioning properly, should be changed, repaired or worst of all, removed or destroyed to fix the problem.  Why people cannot realize that they are way more complex than machines and the brain and mind play an equal role for the onset of Graves’ disease? So, let’s look at the ‘whole person”, not just part of it that needs to be repaired.

Then I believe the healing will begin!

Quick Reference List of 15 Natural Remedies for Graves’ Disease and Hyperthyroidism

When talking about or considering Graves’ Disease and Hyperthyroidism natural remedies, please, have in mind that they cannot substitute any medication and that’s not their purpose. The goal of using hyperthyroidism natural remedies is to complement and help your healing process.

  1. Lemon Balm

    Lemon Balm

    Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis). The “officinalis”, in all plant names stands for “officially recognized as a medicinal herb”. Lemon balm has been used for centuries to relieve anxiety and sleeplessness; it has mild sedative effect, relieves menstrual cramps, fights cold sores, relaxes nerves, and eases indigestion. The flavonoids and polyphenolics found in the Lemon balm have been identified as inhibiting the excessive thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). Drink as tea, or buy in capsules. Your choice.

  2. Chamomile Tea. Chamomile tea boosts the immune system and fight infections associated with colds, reduces menstrual cramps in women, relaxes the nerves, reduces inflammation. Chamomile tea helps relieve rheumatism as well. You can drink it cold or hot. The chamomile tea bags (refrigerated) are used to relieve swelling associated with Thyroid Eye Disease/ Graves’ eye disease. It’s great for sleeping problems (insomnia) and anxiety.
  3. Valerian Roots Tea (Valeriana officinalis, Valerianaceae). The tea is used as a sleeping aid, and it has a sedative effect, so make sure you are not drinking it before driving. It can be mixed with other herbs as well, but really be careful regarding its sedative effect.
  4. nettleNettle tea for your nerves and your hair. This is one of my favorite teas, very pleasant to drink cold or hot. After preparing I just put in bottles and keep it in refrigerator. I drink that instead of water, no sugar added, but you can add some honey if you can’t drink it just like that. Nettle is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, anti-cancer selenium, immune-enhancing sulphur, memory-enhancing zinc, diabetes-chasing chromium, and bone-building boron. A quart of nettle infusion contains more than 1000 milligrams of calcium, 15000 IU of vitamin A, 760 milligrams of vitamin K, 10% protein, and large amounts of most B vitamins, as reported by Susun Weed, one of my favorite herbalists. You can also use nettle tea for strong hair (internal and external). It also helps regulating the menstrual flow, especially if you have amenorrhea. It restores mood, replenishes energy, and guarantees sound sleep. Who doesn’t need that?
  5. Cruciferous vegetables and goitrogenic foods. Isoflavones and isothiocynates, found in goitrogenous foods and cruciferous vegetables appear to naturally inhibit the thyroid hormone overproduction, so really- start eating them, and the sooner and the more the better. An example of such food products are: Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Peaches, all leafy green vegetable.
  6. Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera contains a very important substance, called acemannan, found in its sugar part and it acts as an immune modulator, especially for the thyroid antibodies. It has the power and ability to slow down or enhance the immune system response. In our case- should be able to manage the immune system to recognize its own cells and not attack them. It acts however it is required by the immune system! It also has a huge anti-inflammatory effect regarding Thyroid Eye Disease.Motherwort
  7. Motherwort (Leonurus cardiac) – it is a member of the mint family. You can find this plant pretty much everywhere on the planet, in all continents. It can be also cultivated in your garden. Motherwort balances the hormones generally and helps palpitations; it strengthens the heart beat without increasing the pulse.
  8. Hawthorn (Crataegus species) has been used to treat heart disease   as far back as the 1st hawthorn century. By the early 1800s, American doctors were using it to treat circulatory disorders and respiratory illnesses. It’s found to be beneficial for heart muscle weakness, for pressure, tightness in the chest and for mild arrhythmia.
  9. Vitamin B complex (all Vitamins in B group); Vitamin C- for the immune system; Vitamin A and Vitamin E for your hair and skin. Make sure you take it with food or after meal.
  10. Selenium– according to the researchers, selenium deficiency appears to contribute to the development and maintenance of autoimmune thyroiditis because of its effect on the function of selenium-dependent enzymes, which can modulate the immune system. Selenium supplementation with 200mcg of sodium selenite may improve the inflammatory activity seen in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis, but whether this effect is specific for autoimmune thyroiditis or may also be effective in other organ-specific autoimmune diseases remains to be investigated. Selenium supplementation may lower free radical activity, which contributes to inflammation.
  11.  L- Carnitine.  The most recent discoveries regarding L- carnitine for hyperthyroidism are done by the Italian endocrinologist Dr. Salvatore Benvenga and his colleagues in 2004. By examining the results of supplementation on group of patients, the researchers studied the ability of carnitine to treat the effects of hyperthyroidism. To date, clinical trials have shown that doses of 2,000-4,000 mg/day of L-carnitine are helpful in individuals who suffer from hyperthyroidism. Future studies may uncover similar benefits of other carnitine formulations such as acetyl-L-carnitine, acetyl-L-carnitine arginate, and propionyl-L-carnitine, along with the doses needed to match the efficacy provided by 2,000-4,000 mg L-carnitine.
  12. Copper. Although supportive data is limited, a report from a study group of hyperthyroid women suggests that copper status should be investigated in women with Hyperthyroidism. As it was reported “Virtually all patients in the hyperthyroidism group have found that copper supplementation reduced their symptoms, usually within hours or a few days at most. Most have reported that within three to six months of beginning copper supplementation, they have been able to significantly reduce their intake of antithyroid drugs. While copper is the big story in hyperthyroidism, it is not the whole story. If it were, it would have been discovered years ago. Proper copper metabolism interrelates with and depends upon many other nutrients.” [John Johnson,]
  13. Flax seed oil– it is the most abundant plant source of omega-3 fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid omega-3. The seeds and oil of the flax plant contain substances which are known to promote good health. Flax seed oil is good for: Circulatory System, Immune System, Reproductive System, Nervous System. There are a lot of reports that it can help your Thyroid Eye Disease and practically you can see results in 1 or 2 weeks. The recommended dose is 2 capsules of 1000 mg per day (at least). Flax Seed and Flax Seed oil are rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an essential fatty acid that appears to be beneficial for a lot of diseases.
  14. Honey. One of the safest natural cures for Grave’s disease that I regularly use for all purposes is honey. Honey helps the nervous system and not only. Lemon juice and honey is a good remedy in cases of hypertension, insomnia, and nervous conditions. Dissolve a spoonful of top quality honey in a glass of mineral water and add the juice of half a lemon. The beverage is pleasant and nutritious. Honey and insomnia: mix a cup of warm milk with a spoon of honey before going to bed. Sleep like a baby.
  15. bugleweedBugleweed (Lycopus europaeus, Lycopus virginicus) is used to balance the levels of thyroid hormones (TSH) (hyperthyroidism). It is also used to treat premenstrual syndrome; breast pain; nervousness; trouble sleeping (insomnia) and bleeding. Extracts from this herb are thought to aid in normalizing heart rate, which is indicative of its potential as an alternative treatment for tachycardia. Bugleweed herb is commonly used as a natural treatment for some symptoms of Grave’s disease, such as palpitations.

Enjoy you natural remedies, but before taking or making any of them make sure you are not allergic, especially of you consume them in tincture (it may contain alcohol). If in any doubt, please consult an herbalist or your physician. Most of the remedies can be found in organic food stores, or even in regular food stores over the counter. Supplements- please, be extra careful with them and first do a test and check if your body is lacking any of them or not. Don’t forget that we are all different and need different things, and at different dosages to feel well.

Have in mind that this information is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended, nor should be interpreted as medical advice or directions of any kind. You are strongly advised to consult your own medical doctor/ endocrinologist for all matters involving your health and medical care.

Management Guidelines of the American Thyroid Association and American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists regarding treating Hyperthyroidism and other causes of Thyrotoxicosis

The below recommendations have been issued by those two reputable organizations to assists endocrinologist in treating hyperthyroidism conditions. To some reason, they are overlooked by many clinicians or just ignored. The purpose of this article is to give you some general information about how you should be treated, depending on your particular case. The outlined recommendations represent what the 2 organizations believe is current, rational, and optimal medical practice. It is not the intent of these guidelines to replace clinical judgment, individual decision making, or the wishes of the patient or family.

Thyrotoxicosis  is  a  condition  that has  multiple  etiologies, manifestations, and potential therapies. The term “thyrotoxicosis’’ refers to a clinical state that results from inappropriately high thyroid hormone action in tissues generally due to inappropriately high tissue thyroid hormone levels (hyperthyroidism). The most common causes include Graves’ disease (GD), toxic multinodular goiter (TMNG), and toxic adenoma (TA). GD is an autoimmune disorder in which thyrotropin receptor antibodies (TRAbs) stimulate the TSH receptor, increasing thyroid hormone production. In overt hyperthyroidism, usually both serum free T4  and T3 estimates  are  elevated,  and  serum  TSH  is  undetectable; however, in milder hyperthyroidism, serum T4  and free T4 estimates can be normal, only serum T3 may be elevated, and serum TSH will be <0.01 mU/L (or undectable).  I will not go in more details about diagnose procedures I’ll assume that this is already done by your physician. Let’s get to the treatment recommendations.

# 1. Beta-adrenergic blockade (i.e beta- blockers) should be given to elderly patients with symptomatic thyrotoxicosis and to other thyrotoxic patients with resting heart rates in excess of 90 bpm (palpitations) or coexistent cardiovascular disease. Beta- blockers should be considered in all patients with symptomatic thyrotoxicosis. So, if your pulse is over 90bpm, your doctor should prescribe a beta-blocker. Effects of beta- blockers: propranolol, atenolol, metoprolol, or other beta-blockers leads to a decrease  in  heart  rate,  systolic  blood  pressure,  muscle weakness, and tremor, as well as improvement in the degree of irritability, emotional lability, and exercise intolerance. (it’s not recommended though for patients with asthma).

# 2. Patients with overt Graves’ hyperthyroidism should be treated with any of the following modalities: 131I therapy, antithyroid medication, or thyroidectomy. In the United States, radioactive iodine has been the therapy most preferred by physicians. In Europe and Japan, there has been a greater physician preference for ATDs and/or surgery. Once the diagnosis has been made, the treating physician and patient should discuss each of the treatment options, including the logistics, benefits, expected speed of recovery, drawbacks, potential side effects, and cost. This sets the stage for the physician to make recommendations based on best clinical judgment and allows the final decision to incorporate the personal values and preferences of the patient.

Factors that favor a particular modality as treatment for Graves’ hyperthyroidism:

a. 131 I (RAI) : Females planning a pregnancy in the future (in more than 4-6 months following radioiodine therapy, provided thyroid hormone levels are normal), individuals with comorbidities increasing surgical risk, and patients with previously operated or externally irradiated necks, or lack of access to a high-volume thyroid surgeon or contraindications to ATD use.

b. ATDs (drugs): Patients with high chance of remission (patients, especially females, with mild disease, small goiters, and negative or low-titer TRAb); the elderly or others with comorbidities increasing surgical risk or with  limited  life  expectancy;  individuals  who are  unable  to  follow  radiation  safety regulations; patients with previously operated or irradiated necks; patients with lack of access to a high-volume thyroid surgeon; and patients with moderate to severe active GO (Graves’ ophtalmopathy).

c. Surgery: Symptomatic compression or large goiters (80 g); relatively low uptake of radioactive iodine; when  thyroid  malignancy  is  documented  or  suspected (e.g., suspicious or indeterminate cytology); large nonfunctioning, hypofunctioning nodule; coexisting hyperparathyroidism requiring surgery; females planning a pregnancy in <4-6 months (i.e., before thyroid hormone levels would be  normal  if  radioactive  iodine  were  chosen  as therapy), especially if TRAb levels are particularly high; and patients with moderate to severe active GO. (Graves’ ophtalmopathy).

Contraindications to the different treatment options for Graves’ hyperthyroidism:

  1. 131 I therapy (RAI): Definite contraindications include pregnancy, lactation, coexisting thyroid cancer, or suspicion of thyroid cancer, individuals unable to comply with radiation safety  guidelines  (more on that later) and  females  planning  a pregnancy within 4-6 months. Patients with Graves’ hyperthyroidism and active moderate-to-severe or sight-threatening ophthalmopathy should be treated with either methimazole or surgery.
  2. ATDs:  Definite contraindications  to  long-term  ATD therapy include previous known major adverse reactions to ATDs.
  3. Surgery: Factors that may mitigate against the choice of  surgery  include  substantial  comorbidity  such  as cardiopulmonary  disease,  end-stage  cancer,  or  other debilitating disorders.

Bottom line: if you have TED (or Graves’s ophtalmopathy) it is advisable to go with Anti-thyroid medication or surgery, not RAI, because it may worsen the symptoms. The reoccurrence of Graves’ disease is 0% after total thyroidectomy (because your thyroid is completely removed) and only 8% for subtotal thyroidectomy.  Methimazole should be used in virtually every patient who chooses antithyroid drug therapy for GD, except during the first trimester of pregnancy when propylthiouracil is preferred, in the treatment of thyroid storm, and in patients with minor reactions to methimazole who refuse radioactive iodine therapy or surgery.

The above are just few out of the 100 Recommendations listed on the American Thyroid Association website. More to follow on particular types of treatment.

Reference:  Hyperthyroidism and Other Causes of Thyrotoxicosis: Management Guidelines of the American Thyroid Association and American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists; The American Thyroid Association and American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists Taskforce on Hyperthyroidism and Other Causes of Thyrotoxicosis; Rebecca S. Bahn (Chair), Henry B. Burch, David S. Cooper,Jeffrey R. Garber, M. Carol Greenlee, Irwin Klein,Peter Laurberg, I. Ross McDougall, Victor M. Montori,Scott A. Rivkees,Douglas S. Ross, Julie Ann Sosa, and Marius N. Stan

Petition for Better Thyroid Disease Testing and Education

Yesterday I was asked b via email by a fellow Thyroid advocate to forward this Petition to my subscribers, which I am doing right now. Please, read the Petition and sign it if you feel you should support it. It will be send to 24+ Thyroid Associations around the world, not just in the USA.  I was about a time. See below, I am copying and pasting it:

” Dear Fellow Thyroid Advocate and Website Owner:

Please consider signing the thyroid-care petition below and sharing with your group list.  Change is needed and we would love to have a global representation with as many signatures as possible!

As you know, millions of people are suffering from undiagnosed thyroid conditions because of doctors who fail to stay current in thyroid testing.  The petition will be sent to numerous professional endocrinology and thyroid organizations world-wide.  The petition site’s host guarantees anonymity and any personal Information will not be shared with third parties without consent.

Sixteen doctors later in 3 different states, I finally received a diagnosis.  I know there are many more who share my story.  It is truly a crying shame and I ask you to please consider signing and sharing this petition.  Thank you in advance.
Petition link here:

Denise Fleming
Thyroid Patient, Advocate
Memphis, TN (USA)”

Stay well.


7 signs that you need a Health Coach

How many times you’ve said to yourself: I can’t do it, it’s too much, it’s overwhelming, I don’t know where to start, I need a plan and I can’t make one, and if I do, I can’t stick with it.   If you heard yourself saying that, I would suggest hiring a Health coach. These are your particular reasons:

  1. You feel like you’re chasing your tale. No matter what decision you make to change your life, your diet, your habits or anything that needs to be changed, you end up doing NOTHING. You need a Health coach, to create an action plan and walk you through the process.
  2. No matter how well you know you have to tell your husband to pick up his dirty dishes, to hire a baby sitter, or to spend less than 70 something hours in the office, or get rid of your constantly wining friend, ask for a raise, or just get a decent massage, or a manicure for that matter- and you are not doing it… You need a Health coach as a sounding board, a non-judgmental friend, and a partner to whom you can voice your concerns and fears, and even practice “how to say difficult things to loved and not so loved ones”.
  3. You continue to swear that this will be your last junk food, and you’ll eat healthy, nutritional foods only, and you’ll take your vitamins and supplements and drink 8 glasses of water with every meal- but you’re still not doing it. Well, you need a health coach, to create a diet plan for you, and help you stick with that plan, for your own sake.
  4. You promised yourself, and it’s also included in your New Year’s resolutions, that you’ll go to the gym at least 3 times a week, or run, or bike, or do meditation and  yoga, but you’re so tired to even get out of the bed or think about it. You need a Health Coach so you can find out what’s the best option for you, that will suite your health needs and goals.  The Health coach will hold your hand while you’re doing the small steps.
  5. You don’t know where to start, it all seems so overwhelming, and difficult, and challenging, and so you just drop off everything. You need a Health coach to keep you accountable and prioritize with you, and make plans with you and for you, until you can do that on your own.
  6. You want to be stress-free. You want to be healthy. You want to be better. You want to change your life style, once and forever. You need a Health Coach.
  7. Last but not least- you have a chronic disease, like Graves’ Disease and Hyperthyroidism, and it’s not getting any better for the past few months, you definitely need a Health coach, to guide you through saving your own health. Health Coaching can help you change the destructive life style that led to the manifestation of this disease.

For sure, have in mind that Health coach is not any of the following:

A personal trainer, or:

  • A gym teacher
  • A yoga instructor
  • Someone barking orders at you

None of the above. And the coaching process is very simple, it will respond to all of these questions for you:

What do you want to accomplish?

  1. How your life will be different?
  2. What are you doing already in that direction?
  3. What’s on your way now?
  4. What small step you can make today, tomorrow, this week, this month that will move you toward your goal?
  5. What help and support you need today, from me, or anybody else?

In a CNN interview, Dr. Mehmet Oz reported that health coaches should be a part of every public clinic, medical office and hospital wellness center and should be reimbursed by insurance companies & corporate wellness programs.  But- they are not yet!

If you want to schedule your coaching session now, and move on, click here:

Health Coaching fro Graves’ Disease Patients

5 Myths about Graves’ Disease and Hyperthyroidism

Myth #1: If you don’t do anything, Graves’ Disease will go away.

Wrong: If you don’t do anything you may face a thyroid storm, which is a very dangerous, life threatening condition. Symptoms could be, but are not limited to:  high fever, severe palpitations, vomiting, delirium etc. – all of them are very serious complications that can lead even to a heart failure. Do not play with the fire!

Myth #2: There is a miracle pill, which if I take it I can get cured overnight from hyperthyroidism.

Wrong: There isn’t such a thing as a magical pill, that can cure any disease, not only Graves’ Disease and Hyperthyroidism overnight. Usually it takes the same amount of time for healing as for the physical manifestation of the disease. You disease didn’t show up overnight, it can’t go way overnight!

Myth #3: RAI (Radioactive Iodine Treatment) is a safe and fast way to resolve my hyperthyroidism issues.

Wrong: If you believe that swallowing radioactive iodine is that safe, what’s the big fuss about the earthquake in Japan? People wouldn’t be going around with masks and moving to different parts of the world, wouldn’t they? Hyperthyroid cats treated with that same pill wouldn’t be locked in metal containers for 2 weeks straight, right? But you believe that it is safe for people, for you?

Myth #4: Proper diet for Graves’ Disease and Hyperthyroidism is the only therapy that can fix my health problems.

Wrong: No matter what you eat, no matter how much broccoli and cabbage you consume overnight- that still will not cure you from Graves’ Disease. So said- keeping up with a good diet will definitely help, but it’s’ not the only pre-requisite remedial factor for Graves’ Disease. Certainly- there are foods that need to be avoided, like sea food and any other food with high iodine content, and of course foods called goitrogenous or cruciferous vegetables can help the inhibition of thyroid over production but if you do only the  diet approach that may not cure your Graves’ Disease.

Video: Hyperthyroidism Diet Secrets

Myth #5: I have to rely on my doctor/endocrinologist 100% for treating my Graves’ Disease and do whatever they say I should do.

Wrong: Doctors, at least most of them, do their best to treat properly their patients, to the best they have been taught. However, all humans are different and sometimes same medications and treatment options may have a completely dissimilar impact on different people. Do your own judgment, watch carefully how you feel and what reactions do you have, trust your intuition. In order to get cured you have to actively participate in the healing process and if your doctor is preventing you from doing so- don’t be afraid to fire him and get another one.

Voluntarily Simplicity for Graves’ Disease

If someone asks me what was the most successful approach in my healing process in 2 words- I would definitely say “voluntarily simplicity”. That was the single one thing that had the most impact in curing my  Graves’ Disease. Well, of course there were other alternative methods involved like diet, supplements, herbs, yoga, aromatherapy, etc. – but that simplicity played the biggest role  ever.. How, you may ask?

Simplicity is not about misery, or frugality, or being thrifty. It’s about discovering the important between many unimportant things.

Back in 2003 I gave up a lot of things that weren’t “so necessary”, including, but not limited to the material stuff. That also means that I accepted to live with a smaller income- and much less stress. That was the key for my healing, and living without stress and no alarm clock has no price tag, ever.

I also meant getting out of debt, and that’s possible too. I’ve lived years with and without debt, I can appreciate the difference. Today, if I can’t afford to buy something right there, I don’t buy it. That gives me a huge peace of mind.

Simplicity is applied in all aspects of our lives, not just part of it.  The simpler, the better, that’s my motto. I am not saying that you should live ascetic life, or in poverty, neither did I. It’s a voluntary lifestyle choice. I am mostly talking about reducing possessions that we don’t need, being stuck in the wanting mode, the never satisfied hunger for material things, the wow- entertainment, the mindless action, increasing the quality of life versus quantity of activities, it’s about learning to slow down and smell the roses.

It’s also about simple diet, simple life.  When I look at a cook book and see these “page long recipes”, I just close the book. It will take me days to getter all the ingredients, not to mention the hours spent in the kitchen. I try to eat simple things, and I did not died of hunger last 9 years. A boiled egg, a sliced tomato with salt, a piece of homemade bread with butter.  Finally, “we are what we eat”.

It’s also about sorting out your life– what is important and what is not, re-arranging your priorities, saying “no” many times, to many things and to many people. The more I say “no”, the more I see how many more “no’s” I should’ve said.  

I forget multitasking. If you are doing two or more things at once, you’re not doing either of them. Or you are just poorly doing them with a lot of frustration and stress as well. I know, too many things to do, no time at all. That’s the moment when you drop things out of your “to do list”. This is crucial for healing Graves’ disease. Try to juggle 5 balls, no try 2 balls….what’s easier?

It means also de-cluttering. Throwing away. Discovering “enough” for you. Valuing “the ordinary”. Going to a few places in one day, rather than more. Watching less, so you can see more.  Carrying less, so you can  climb more. Talking less, so you can hear more.  Assuming less, so you can succeed more. Competing less, so you can excel more. Paying attention.

There is no “one way to do simple living right”. Simplicity has many faces, these are just some of them. You find yours and stick with them. Or experiment.

Bon Voyage.


Grounding Energy for Graves’ Disease and Hyperthyroidism

 Many of us, diagnosed with Graves’ Disease and hyperthyroidism suffer from different  debilitating symptoms such as loss of concentration, feeling vulnerable, mental impairment,  memory lapses, diminished attention span, irritability, fatigue, insomnia (inability to get enough  sleep), restlessness, tachycardia (rapid heart rate: 100-120 beats per minute, or higher),  increased energy, very emotional, or just feeling plain crazy. 

 There is a simple explanation of this phenomenon which includes our sympathetic and  parasympathetic nervous system. Sympathetic nervous system is responsible for Charging and  Expression, and Parasympathetic Nervous system is responsible for Winding Down and Rest.  This is called Vasomotoric Circle and is first discovered by the Norwegian psychologist Gerda  Boysen.  In the past the first was used usually to describe the “fight or flight” response, but today we simply use it for “hurry and worry”. In a few words when we experience excessive levels of stress–whether from internal worry or external circumstance–a bodily reaction is triggered, called the “fight or flight” (hurry and worry) response. 

Originally discovered by the Harvard physiologist Walter Cannon, this response is hard-wired into our brains and represents a genetic wisdom designed to protect us from bodily harm. This response actually corresponds to an area of our brain called the hypothalamus, which, when stimulated, initiates a sequence of nerve cell firing and chemical release that prepares our body for running or fighting. In many people diagnosed with hyperthyroidism this area- the sympathetic nervous system is actually overloaded. We never make it to the other cycle, winding down and rest. And we need something that will bring us to the equilibrium and harmony, with which we are initially born.

There are a few exercises that I usually suggest, especially of you are feeling restless, too energized or too “charged”, that may bring you close to the “winding and resting cycle”. I know how impossible is at this point to just sit and meditate, which will be the best scenario. However, there are other things that can be done to “slow” you down and keep you in the reality:

1.   Grounding exercise: Get on your knees and hands,  place your palms and knees on the ground. Imagine the excess energy flowing out of your palms and even pouring out of your head. You’ll release only the excess energy to the Earth, simply “grounding” yourself. As you release this energy you can place the intent that such energy is used for healing the Planet. If you cannot reach down (let’s say you are in your office and it will be a little weird to kneel down), you can just imagine the energy flowing out of your hands and feet into the ground.

2.  Hug a tree. If you are lucky enough to have a back yard, or a park nearby, you can do a similar exercise. Imagine the tree taking the excess energy for its own healing, grounding it through the roots. You can even imagine yourself as a tree and let the energy drain through your own roots.

3Keep it simple. Eat simple foods, do simple things, live simple. Be less complicated. Ask yourself: “Is this too complicated for me”, if it is, just drop it.

4.  Progressive muscle relaxation techniques, where you contract and then relax each muscle group moving progressively from the toes to the head. You can use some relaxing music.

5.  Mindfulness meditation- that’s simply noticing what you’re doing, and how are you doing it. Observing and noticing what surrounds you, and paying attention to details. “I’m stepping on the floor, the floor is cold, my left feet hurts, my right hand is touching the walls, they are smooth and pink”, etc.

6.   Finally- dance slowly..I am posting a poem, which I received from one of you, I believe it is written by a cancer  patient, but it says everything I ever wanted to say:


Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a
butterfly’s erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the
fading night?

You better slow down.
Don’t dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won’t last.

Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask : “How are you?”
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?

You’d better slow down
Don’t dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won’t last.

Ever told your child,
We’ll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say, ‘Hi’

You’d better slow down.
Don’t dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won’t last.

When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry
through your day,
It is like an unopened gift….
Thrown away.

Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.
Here are some other techniques for “slow dancing”
or yoga and breathing exercises:

Alternative methods by Sharon Levin, South Africa

As it became a practice, I’ll often share the comments and alternative methods sent to me by other subscribers.

Here is a new one by Sharon Levin, South Africa. She is a counselor, Life coach and a Head of the Fibromyalgia Support Network of Southern Africa. For more information about her, please visit her website:

Dear Svetla,

I have found personally and with patients, that a holistic protocol for Graves’  Disease and Hashimoto’ diseases, + for that matter,  all thyroid malfunctions (under or over-active newly diagnosed before either of the 2 auto immune diseases are definitely diagnosed by an Integrative endocrinologist), is imperative to slow down all symptoms:


1.    Clinical Nutrition:  ALL iodine in foods, all FLUORIDE and CHLORINE, ALL PRESERVATIVES in foods and drinks.

2.   Alcohol – fermentation processes encourage CANDIDA ALBICANS and further disrupt the cells (from tongue to insulin receptors, to pancreas and thyroid gland, upper and lower colon and Enteric Nervous System). Yeast growth/overgrowth is essential to halt at all costs. Wine, whiskey. Brandy – no different in conversions.

3.  SUGARS- all to go. Safe is Stevia nutraceutical and sucralose in smaller dosages. Zylatol has not been proven to be helpful. No other sweeteners allowed.

4.  In Graves Disease, asthma is shown to be prevalent.

HONEY+ PROPOLIS, is shown in all studies to affect the bronchioli + alvioli and the lungs’ systems as the queen bee leaves POLLEN in all captured honey – whether organic/creamed/etc. The pollen-filled honey disrupts the lung functions, and worsens  asthmatic Graves Disease thyroid function. Molasses is the better option.

5.  Non-organic MILK, non-organic LAMB, are anathemas in Graves Disease, as is all other MEAT, bar OSTRICH which is free-range.

6.   All colas disrupt the function of thyroxine, whether endogenous or given in tablet form. (Sugar, phynelanines, glucose etc and all preservatives and colourants with FIZZ) the problems. Pure apple and pear juices are 100%. Any other pure  fruit juices must not contain GRAPE JUICE for the same reason as the grapes in wine will ferment and cause havoc. Ciders – apple and pear again because they are pure will not effect the thyroid. Coming to the Festive Season, do not be lured into the ‘drinking with buddies alure’! Staying well all the time is, with knowledge, in our hands and intelligence must rule! Paying for an elusive ‘pleasure’ will only cause more pain and disruption for sufferers.

7.  Teas –  Chamomile FLOWERS tea, Cranberry, Raspberry, Elderberry flowers with apple and cinnamon are fantastic assistants for the endocrine system, drunk both hot and cooled!

8.  Water – never tap water due to high fluoride, heavy metals, toxins from river effluents world wide. Bottled water is NOT OK unless there is NO SULFUR, NO SODIUM, LOW POTASSIUM, CALCIUM, MAGNESIUM LEVELS. The latest studies show that MOST plastic bottled water hold much bacteria from materials used and are most harmful to the thyroid! Thus advise at worst double boiled water and then cool in GLASS and at best a good water filtration system. Drink a litre of water, plain or with the above teas a day.


10.   Keeping insulin low means keeping a glycaemic load and index ‘in-balance’ for the endocrine system to function better. Thus, when eating orange coloured veg eg pumpkin, use your hand as the diameter =’s a quarter of a palmful only, 3 times a week. Goes for all orange veggies.


1.  The best multi mineral and vitamin you can find, watch out that IODINE is very LOW or ELIMINATED within the mineral content of tablet.

2. Ester C, 2-4,000 grams to boost the immune system, divided into 2-3-4 times a day and night, depending on your overall health condition.

3.  Thyroid support formula WITHOUT TYROSINE (if one has Hashimoto’s there MUST be L-tyrosine).
4.  B Complex, +B5, and B12 specifically.

5. Protect eyes with the best NON –PRESERVATIVE drops and gels for DRY EYES, use hourly if needed, along with 900 UV protection sunglasses, + Solar Shields if necessary (ask optometrist to advise), and Transition lenses for COMPUTER work and MINOR sunlight photophobia. Change computer to color APPLE GREEN BACKGROUND OR SKY BLUE – light too bright on black and white!

6.  Take one a day capsule of Lutein, Zeaxathin, bilberry.

7. Ensure 2 am Flax seed capsules and 2 pm, either Krill oil seafood/Omega 3 pure Alaskan / Sardine fish oil/Vegetarian Algae capsules before sleep for optimal ‘oiling and greasing’ of the eyes, the brain systems, the body systems.

8.  If you are stressed take the amino acid L-Taurine, 1 am, 1 noon, 1 4pm, 1 before sleep.

The most nvb capsules for graves eye disease and for the continual organ and normal function at optimal levels are : 3,200 mg of pure flax seed omega 3 caps- ie 2 am and 2 pm, krill oil, 1 capsule with algae omega 3 2 am and 2 pm as well as pure omega 3 Alaskan salmon oil or sardine oil.

Eyes must be well lubricated hourly-2 hrly with non-preservative eye gels and drops. The best known to date are the highest viscosity with best drops from  ophthalmologists only.

Sharon Levin


Also, for many other Graves’ Disease and Hyperthyroidism Remedies, check:

Free Articles on Graves’ Disease