Archive for the ‘Hyperthyroidism diet’ Category

Raw Juice Therapy for Graves’ Disease and Hyperthyroidism

fresh-vegetablesRaw juice therapy is a method of treatment of disease through an exclusive diet or use of juices of fruits and vegetables. It is also known as juice fasting, when this is the only thing you consume. It is the most effective way to restore health and rejuvenate the body, but with Graves’ Disease and hyperthyroidism you have to be very careful. While I believe that raw juice therapy may be very useful, I don’t recommend the raw juice fasting for the cases of Hyperthyroidism and Graves’ disease. The problem is that raw juice therapy (used by itself only) has tremendous cleansing properties and if you have Graves’ disease and Hyperthyroidism you already have high metabolism and lost a lot of weight. In this case, if not monitored by a qualified practitioner,  it can easily exhaust your organism. But you can safely add 1 or 2 juices every day to your diet. However, if you are Hypothyroid right now (due to RAI, thyroidectomy or any other reason) and struggling with weight issues raw juice therapy, I believe, can help you tremendously.

The Gerson’s Therapy

Gerson’s Therapy, named after its inventor Dr. Max Gerson, relies exclusively on Raw juices (a coffee enemas) to treat and help conditions like cancer and other serious disorders and illnesses. The therapy approach was developed in 1920’s and now the non-profit organization is managed by his daughter, Charlotte Gerson. The book about Gerson’s therapy is available on Amazon, and the Gerson Institute itself is located, to the best of my knowledge in California, but had licensed clinics only in Mexico and Hungary. I will not go in details why the clinics are not in the USA, it’s a pretty ugly story, but if you have Netlix, or even on YouTube, there are numerous documentary videos about this issue. The only thing I know that this is a great loss for the American population and many people travel from the USA to Mexico, specifically to be treated for many diseases in this clinic. The link to their website is at the bottom of that page.

As juices are extracted from vegetables and fruits, they have certain medicinal characteristics that may benefit certain conditions. Besides specific medicinal virtues, raw fruit and vegetable juices have an extraordinary revitalizing and rejuvenating effect on all the organs, glands and functions of the body. For more detailed information, check on the links below.

How it works with Vegetable and Fruit Juices?

6 Main types of Fruit and vegetable juices 

10 General Recommendations for Raw Juice preparation

Fruit Smoothies and Raw Juices by Mariquit Losaria Orendain 


Mariquit Losaria Orendain is my guest writer for this week on my blog. I invited her to share her Raw Juice and Smoothies recipes with all of us. She is  is from Philippines, 47 years old and she suffered from Hyperthyroidism for many years. I have the pleasure to present a few of her smoothies/ fresh raw juices which are very simple to make and the fruits/vegetables can be found anywhere in the world. You may experiment your own combinations as well. Enjoy!

Carrots, Orange, Green apple, and Pears Fresh Raw Juice


Carrots and Pineapple Juice

N.B. Carrots are good for the eyes, because they contain Vitamin A in large quantities. Pineapple has anti- inflammatory properties and is also good for inflammation of the eye tissue.


My smoothie of fruits combination..  Papaya, Banana and Cantaloupe ( Chinese Melon ) Taste good ..


Vegetable and fruit combination for a juice in the afternoon.. Cucumber,Green Apple and Pears..  Cheers!


Happy Juicing!

Do you have a favorite recipe that you found tasty or beneficial? Share it with us!

Want to be my guest writer? Please, contact me!

P.S. This is the link to Gerson Institute

Carbohydrate or Gluten Free diet for hyperthyroidism?

Carbohydrate or Gluten Free diet for Hyperthyroidism?

(What to eat or not to eat, that is the question!!!:)

Hyperthyroidism, as we all know,  is a complicated disease. Unfortunately, the traditional methods known today are not enough to deal successfully with this problem. To identify a drug that is safe, affordable and effective is a challenge to modern medicine today. In fact, it seems un-achievable. Thus, an effective diet when treating specific disorder is of great importance, or at least I think so. So here we go today:

Real Food for Hyperthyroidism Patients

Real Food for Hyperthyroidism Patients

In 1928 Henry Moll, MD writes an article about the different hyperthyroidism symptoms, and some of them he believes, to whatever reason, are overlooked by the present medical society. He insists that there are important reciprocal actions between the thyroid gland and the gastro-intestinal tract of which we have little knowledge yet, but which nevertheless demand a closer study of dietary in hyperthyroidism. Clever man!

For example dyspepsia (known also as indigestion, characterized by chronic or recurrent pain in the upper abdomen and sometimes accompanied by bloating, nausea or heartburn) is found to be one of the precipitating and most common symptoms of hyperthyroidism, often preceding the manifestation of the other well-known symptoms like palpitations, mental emotionality, moodiness and exophthalmos (Moll, 1928).

Dyspepsia in Graves’ disease patients can often be accompanied with hypochlorhydria (when the stomach is unable to produce hydrochloric acid) or achylia (absence of gastric juice or other digestive secretions). The achylia is also responsible for the fast stomach discharge, typical for hyperthyroidism patients. Dr. Moll suggests a diet, which is rich of carbohydrates.

This diet is of a caloric value of 2,700 calories, and consists of about 80 grams of proteins, 60 grams of fat, and 440 grams of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are typically found in whole grains, whole wheat, whole rye, brown rice, bulgur, wheat berries, vegetables, fruits and beans.  Easily digested refined carbohydrates from white bread, white rice and other refined grains, pastries, sugared sodas, and other highly processed foods may cause weight gain, interfere with weight loss, and lead to diabetes and heart disease (Moll, 1928). Well, this diet is quite the opposite of the Gluten-free diet, well known today. But, as you may have noticed already, many things were different back in 1928.

The improvements as a result of this carbohydrate diet diet should be mostly a reduction of mental symptoms, i.e. emotional instability, decrease of pulse rate, palpitations and by significant increase of weight. Which is ok with me, because I know how difficult can be to deal with all of them. And the diet also makes sense, because the products listed by Dr. Moll are considered “grounding”, specifically in mental aspect.  They also help maintaining the weight, if you lost too much.  (There is a link at the bottom of this post for the whole article, so feel free to read it).

Fresh Food for Graves' DiseaseNow, the opposite of this diet is the Gluten- Free Diet and it also makes sense to me. Dr. Moll lived almost a century ago when no pesticides were used for the crops and genetically modified foods were practically unknown. The soil and the waters were clean and not contaminated with mercury, copper and other harmful for our health substances. All the foods were “organic” and “natural”. Not so today.

 So, what would I do, if I were you? I will try both, gluten free and carbohydrate diet and I’ll see what works better for me. At least, we have a choice here. I am personally  more inclined to try the carbohydrate diet first. I like bread and all related products. I make and bake my own bread and I can’t leave without it. But- it’s your choice!

 So let’s see why gluten free diet might be applicable for Graves’ Disease and Hyperthyroidism patients as well (click on that particular link). I write there about Celiac disease, leaky gut syndrome and all related problems…

The Gluten Free Diet


Moll, H., A carbohydrate diet for hyperthyroidism. Retrieved:

Meanwhile, as always, you are welcome to share your opinion!


Can hyperthyroidism cause weight gain?

out of energy

Are you gaining weight instead of losing it?

Honestly, dieting is not my favorite activity and I’ve never been good at that particular sport. I am just not a serious “dieter” but I have never been seriously overweight either.  This, however, may not be the case for other people diagnosed with Graves’ disease and hyperthyroidism.

Patients, diagnosed with Graves’ disease, thyrotoxicosis, or hyperactive thyroid typically don’t have any dieting issues, I mean regarding gaining weight. Quite the opposite: one of the symptoms of thyrotoxicosis/hyperthyroidism (induced by whatever reason) is the uncontrollable weight loss. They are typically skinny, with high metabolism, enhanced craving for food (different foods) and very active, particularly in sports and all kinds of other activities.  They’re nearly always hungry,  at least I used to be when I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism 10 years ago.  My friends often  joked with me that I am just wasting the food and I am so very lucky for not gaining weight at all. I would not go in details how I felt back then though…But in their eyes, I was fortunate..

Anyway, several thyrotoxicosis/ hyperthyroidism patients (including Graves’ disease, hyperthyroidism, nodules etc.) recently reported precisely the opposite- gaining weight. Hyperthyroidism weight gain isn’t so rare nowadays, unfortunately. How this is happening though, if the metabolism is so accelerated due to the excessive release of endocrine/thyroid hormones in the blood? Why then many of us gain weight instead? For example:

“Hi, just wanted to find out what do you think about weight gain. When I first found out that I had a hyperthyroid I weighed a hundred and twenty lbs. Now, after about a year I can’t seem to loose any weight. I am up to one hundred fifty and I am sick of gaining more even though I work out like crazy. Doesn’t seem fair and I need some advice please!”

I receive numerous emails like this. And honestly, I can only guess why this is so…

Western medicine has no explanation about this phenomenon, because, in fact, there is no logic. But not everything is logical, right? Here are some of my ideas why this might be happening:

1. The clinical representation of the hyperthyroidism condition is different. “Clinical description” concerns the most typical symptoms, according to which the doctors determine their diagnosis (hopefully). For example, the classical clinical picture of celiac disease, which includes persistent diarrhea, has changed recently. Graves’ disease symptoms also can fluctuate; initially the patient can be diagnosed with certain symptoms that may change over time, become more or less serious, or new symptoms can appear and others to fade.

2. It is well known that the appetite of hyperthyroid patients increase dramatically and they eat more than usual. The problem is with the content and quality of the consumed foods. If a decade ago the foods were not so genetically modified and very close to “natural” or “organic” they can be easily discharged from the body, due to the increased metabolism. But in the past years it is well known that we consume foods that have no nutrients and are grossly genetically modified; they also contain a lot of processed sugars and artificial coloring, to name just a few of the substances causing troubles. The body, unrecognizing these materials as food, may store them, as it does with the aspartame. They are simply stocked in the body, regardless of the increased metabolism. This may dramatically cloud the clinical picture of hyperthyroidism and many people may remain undiagnosed due to this reason.

3. Medication: patients who are treated with medication (PTU or Methimazole) are still  considered hyperthyroid, and may be affected with this symptom because almost all anti-thyroid medications slow down the metabolism and block the thyroid hormone overproduction. To unknown irrational reasons some doctors may keep their patients on the same dosage anti-thyroid medication regardless of the fact that their thyroid tests are reading “normal” or even “hypo”. Probably just in case???

The other problem is that thyroid tests today (even the usual thyroid panel) may cost over $1500 (depending on insurance, deductibles, hormones tested,  etc.), which really shocks me, because just 10 years ago they cost $50-$60. I don’t really know what became so expensive to justify that dramatic increase. And if you are in acute hyperthyroidism state these tests should be performed every 4-6 weeks to adjust the medication, which it is very rarely done today by doctors because simply the insurance would not pay. That creates a risk for the patient to take medications that are not necessary or the dosage is not appropriate any more.

So, if you are gaining weight, regardless of the reason, these are my short and simple suggestions to control your weight:

vegetable-fairy1. Eat HEALTHY in order to help symptomatology of hyperthyroidism or Grave’s Disease. Try an elimination diet, or gluten free diet for that matter (more about that in the next post).

2. Try probiotics, they are known to enhance the “good bacteria” in  the intestines and to help the elimination of substances that no longer need to be present in your stomach.

3. Consume a lot of fibers, or foods containing fiber. Try cleansing the body with dieting, oil pulling or other methods.

4. Grow your own sprouts, and eat them of course, they are the best source for vitamins and minerals.

5. Drink plenty of water and herbal teas.

6.  Eat less meat, more green leafy vegetables (I am not saying you have to become vegetarian).

7. Exercise regularly. For example I try to swim twice a week, dance tango once, play volleyball and do meditation and yoga (to balance the active part). But I don’t have the palpitations now, so if you do, stick with yoga and meditation.

Of course, these are general suggestions, but if there isn’t anything else you can do or don’t know how, at least you can do your best.

And by the way, do you have any experience  with a similar problem? What food makes you feel good and what makes you feel bad, or loose/gain weight?

Share your thoughts and secrets with us- it may help other people as well!

If fact, I just finished the update of my book “Ultimate Diet Secrets for Graves’ Disease and Hyperthyroidism”, with the newest research on the subject, including the gluten free diet and carbohydrate diet for hyperthyroidism (that’s an old one from 1928), why you should use probiotics, new herbs found to help hyperthyroidism, etc.  So speaking, that’s what I have been doing the past two months…

So here we go:  (Click below on the book)  to get your own copy of the updated August, 2013 version).

Ultimate Diet Secrets for Graves' Disease and Hyperthyroidism

Aloe Vera, Thyroid Antibodies and Immune System

  As we all know by now, Graves’ disease is an auto- immune disorder, in which the     immune system due to whatever reason is attacking its own cells. The immune system can be under-active (not fighting well with cancer cells for example), overactive- producing diseases like allergic asthma, or when is performing an inappropriate action attacking its own tissues like arthritis, lupus or Graves’ disease.

I’ve been asked many times by clients and patients if there is anything to be done to boost the immune system and help recovery, or just “make the immune system do its job right”. I didn’t know such a method…

Until today, when I read a book about Aloe Vera by Dr. Peter Atherton “The essential Aloe Vera”. You know that I like reading. So this is what I have found today and I have to share with you, because I believe that this is a valuable information about Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera is not a magical plant, but it has two main effects on human health and organs that need to be mentioned here: it works on surfaces and membranes (like skin) and on disordered immune system (which is the case with Graves’ Disease). I am not going to list all its healing properties, they are many, but among them is another, very interesting one as well: anti-inflammatory (extremely important when dealing with Thyroid Eye Disease).

How exactly it works? Now I’ll make Biology easy for you:

The most important for the immune system are cells called lymphocytes, which are made of B cells and T cells, found in lymphoid tissue and the blood. The other important cells are called phagocytes– some found in the tissue, others in white blood cells circulating in the blood.  B lymphocytes produce antibodies, while T cells help B cells in this antibody production. They also find and destroy viruses, they control the level and quality of the immune responses. In general they tell your immune system what to do and when.

Now here comes the Aloe Vera gel in action. Aloe Vera contains a very important substance, called acemannan, found in its sugar part. It is a long chain polysaccaccaride and acts as an immune modulator. Meaning that has the power and ability to slow down or enhance the immune system response. In our case- should be able to manage the immune system to recognize its own cells and not attack them. It acts however it is required by the immune system!

The importance of acemannan is supported by the research of Carrington Laboratories in the USA, and a drug was produced named “Carrisyn”, licenses by FDA and given to AIDS patients. If it is assumed that it may help AIDS patients, I believe that drinking Aloe Vera can help Graves’ Disease patients as well.

Not to mention the Aloe Vera anti-inflammatory effect….on Thyroid eye disease for example.

aloe-vera-gelAm I drinking Aloe Vera gel? Yes, I am- at least for the last 3 years, every single day, between 30-60 ml, depending on how I feel. Not that I knew about its immune action, or  some of its  positive effects. I like it and find it very useful- I haven’t been sick for a very long time. After reading the book I mentioned above I also believe that it can help Graves’ disease by modulating the immune system to “take proper decisions” and anti- inflammatory for Thyroid Eye Disease as well.

You can buy Aloe Vera  pretty much from everywhere, but to be sure in its healing properties, follow this suggestions:

– make sure it’s certified by International Aloe Science Council (IASC), for Europe  the “Kasher” organization

– Contains at  least 97% pure Aloe Vera gel

– Comes from Aloe Barbadensis Miller type plants

aloe-vera-peachesI personally buy it from Forever Living Products and I am happy with them- their products exceeded my expectations through the years (at least those I have tried). I am not endorsing that particular  company, but if you want to sign as a distributor and save 15% ( I do get some credit for that, not sure what though), here is the link:

You can use my personal distributor # 001 002 401 252.

And this bottle on the left is my favorite (with peaches).

The above article is my own production- that means I am just following the simple logic of healing..One thing for sure-Aloe e 100% safe, to the best I know.

5 Myths about Graves’ Disease and Hyperthyroidism

Myth #1: If you don’t do anything, Graves’ Disease will go away.

Wrong: If you don’t do anything you may face a thyroid storm, which is a very dangerous, life threatening condition. Symptoms could be, but are not limited to:  high fever, severe palpitations, vomiting, delirium etc. – all of them are very serious complications that can lead even to a heart failure. Do not play with the fire!

Myth #2: There is a miracle pill, which if I take it I can get cured overnight from hyperthyroidism.

Wrong: There isn’t such a thing as a magical pill, that can cure any disease, not only Graves’ Disease and Hyperthyroidism overnight. Usually it takes the same amount of time for healing as for the physical manifestation of the disease. You disease didn’t show up overnight, it can’t go way overnight!

Myth #3: RAI (Radioactive Iodine Treatment) is a safe and fast way to resolve my hyperthyroidism issues.

Wrong: If you believe that swallowing radioactive iodine is that safe, what’s the big fuss about the earthquake in Japan? People wouldn’t be going around with masks and moving to different parts of the world, wouldn’t they? Hyperthyroid cats treated with that same pill wouldn’t be locked in metal containers for 2 weeks straight, right? But you believe that it is safe for people, for you?

Myth #4: Proper diet for Graves’ Disease and Hyperthyroidism is the only therapy that can fix my health problems.

Wrong: No matter what you eat, no matter how much broccoli and cabbage you consume overnight- that still will not cure you from Graves’ Disease. So said- keeping up with a good diet will definitely help, but it’s’ not the only pre-requisite remedial factor for Graves’ Disease. Certainly- there are foods that need to be avoided, like sea food and any other food with high iodine content, and of course foods called goitrogenous or cruciferous vegetables can help the inhibition of thyroid over production but if you do only the  diet approach that may not cure your Graves’ Disease.

Video: Hyperthyroidism Diet Secrets

Myth #5: I have to rely on my doctor/endocrinologist 100% for treating my Graves’ Disease and do whatever they say I should do.

Wrong: Doctors, at least most of them, do their best to treat properly their patients, to the best they have been taught. However, all humans are different and sometimes same medications and treatment options may have a completely dissimilar impact on different people. Do your own judgment, watch carefully how you feel and what reactions do you have, trust your intuition. In order to get cured you have to actively participate in the healing process and if your doctor is preventing you from doing so- don’t be afraid to fire him and get another one.

3 “Hyperthyroidism Herbs”- worth growing, owing and drinking!

I’m a lot into alternative and herbal medicine, just experimenting all the time. You probably know me by now.:). But that’s me- so, regarding the information below- use your own judgement, of course. 

There are in fact many herbs, that can positively influence hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease but there are 3 that are “must have” in your herbal kitchen and use them regularly, instead of all the sodas and artificial juices sold in the stores.

 Motherwort (Leonurus cardiac) – it is a member of the mint family. You can find this plant pretty much everywhere on the planet, in all continents. It can be also cultivated in your garden. Motherwort balances the hormones generally and helps palpitations; it strengthens the heart beat without increasing the pulse.

Motherwort helps bring on a delayed or suppressed menstrual flow, especially when someone is anxious and tense, it’s also used to improve fertility and anxiety, it helps also the hot flashes in menopause. You can use it as a tea, or a tincture, or even make your own.

It reduces blood pressure. Do not use if you are pregnant. Bitter taste. It also has sedative and antispasmodic properties.

Hawthorn (Crataegus species) has been used to treat heart disease as far back as the 1st century. By the early 1800s, American doctors were using it to treat circulatory disorders and respiratory illnesses. It’s a thorny three, which gives red berries in late summer, early fall. It contains compounds that support the heart and circulatory system. It’s found to be beneficial for heart muscle weakness, for pressure, tightness in the chest and for mild arrhythmia. In some scientific researches it’s found that hawthorn interact with key enzymes in the heart to increase pumping force of the heart muscle and it also works to dilate the blood vessels. Hawthorn also helps painful joints and stabilizes the collagen in the bone itself. It also helps bloods shot eyes, glaucoma, swollen ankles and varicose veins. It can be used as a substitute of a beta- blocker. 

It’s available in capsules, tablets and tinctures, but my favorite is Hawthorn tea, some of the capsules include not only the berries, but also leaves and flowers.

To make a tea from these berries, you generally use a teaspoon per cup. Let it brew for a few minutes before drinking.

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) (The officinalis stands for “officially recognized as a medicinal herb”).

This is one of my favorite herbs and I already have written about it a lot. It’s an “easy herb”, you can grow it in a pot on your window, or in your garden. Lemon balm has been used for centuries to relieve anxiety and sleeplessness; it has mild sedative effect, relieves menstrual cramps, fights cold sores, relaxes nerves, and eases indigestion. Combined with Valerian roots it’s often used for insomnia treatment. It also helps hot flashes associated with menopause. 

The flavonoids and polyphenolics found in the Lemon balm have been identified as inhibiting the excessive thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).  The TSH is blocked for further stimulating the excessively active thyroid gland. Generally it helps the action of the anti-thyroid drug, and acts like one in mild cases. I’ve been using that herb as “sleep helping tea” for many years and I also know that it’s gentle on children and even babies.

I would not suggest combining and drinking these herbs altogether for “faster results”. I would suggest  trying them on for a few days, i.e drink Hawthorn tea for a few days (only), Lemon Balm tea after that, Motherwort for the next 3 and see how you feel. We are all different as people, we feel differently. Try it cold, hot, as an infusion, or you can even steep it overnight.  

Happy “tea”ing! Happy drinking! See you soon…


Click on the corresponding books to find out more. Or   get them all in a package deal (you save $40.00):


23 Foods to help Hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease

Diet is a big selling word worldwide..There is a diet fro pretty much everything.Most of us suffering with thyroid problems believe that eating the right food or avoiding the wrong one will cure us from hyperthyroidism or Graves’ Disease.

This is true and not really true. No matter what you eat the next 24 hours it will not cure your hyperthyroidism overnight. But maintaining a proper diet in a long-term plan will cut a lot of your symptoms, will help your immune system to fight the over active thyroid and basically will improve in natural way the performance of your thyroid.

Accordingly, any food that naturally inhibits the thyroid overproduction is good, especially if you are diagnosed with overactive thyroid/ hyperthyroidism. These foods are called goitrogens, they can act as antithyroid drugs (like PTU and methimazole).

This is a short list of foods that may help your hyperthyroidism, some of them are called cruciferous vegetables, some of them are just fruits that do a similar job.

Cruciferous vegetables and goitrogenic fruits:

  • Broccoli
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Kale
  • Kohlrabi
  • Mustard greens
  • Rutabaga
  • Turnips
  • Millet
  • Radishes
  • Spinach
  • Mizuna
  • Garden cress
  • Water cress
  • Daikon
  • Wasabi
  • Bok choy
  • Komatsuna
  • Rapini
  • Soybean and soy products, including tofu
  • Strawberries
  • Peaches

The above listed vegetables and fruits are enough to cover any food diversity for a week, you can mix and match, add meat, or river fish (this is not dangerous as it does not contain iodine), or anything else that comes to your mind.

Why not give a boost to the thyroid medication? But yes, just eating the above foods will not be enough..

Please, feel free to share any recipe, or diet suggestion, or idea you may have regarding hyperthyroidism diet.

Aloe Vera for Graves’ Disease/ Thyroid Eye Disease

Did you know that nearly every known dis-ease is caused from inflammation? Including our Hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease, not to mention Thyroid Eye Disease... It just so happens that the ancient Aloe Vera plant has turned out to be one of the most extraordinary anti-inflammatory plants in all of creation.

 Apparently no matter what started your inflammation and pain, the natural ingredients within Aloe Vera is bursting with anti-inflammatory ability plus all this is based on real science to back it up. Aloe Vera is about 99% pure energized water “intelligently designed” by Mama Nature to contain more than 75 key ingredients including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and miracle super sugars. If you are looking for a simple way to improve your overall health and well being, including your immune system (and we need that most of all!), Aloe Vera provides you with a potent smorgasbord of helpful cellular nutrition.

As you already know I am experimenting a lot with all kinds of natural products, and I am a “one man” laboratory, needless to say. I’ve never recommended anything to anyone that I haven’t tried or researched thoroughly, it’s just prefer to be sure what I am talking about.

 So, since I got rid off Graves’ Disease several years ago, I was asking myself how do I keep it away. Yes, I did changed many things, my life style especially, but still, the nutritional and diet part wasn’t covered. I wanted to eat everything without any concerns and be as healthier as possible (with this dirty environment around us!). I experimented with a few natural products and supplements, but the best results I got from using a few products containing Aloe Vera. It’s not that you never heard of that, but still, we are not doing it, right?

 I was also looking for the most natural/ organic products or company, not any product in general, that I can afford and will not cost me a fortune. I was introduced by a friend of mine to the Aloe Vera family, and since then, 2 years now, I am using only their products, because I know that they are 100% natural, even the stabilizers used in the cosmetics.

Today, I’m trying to put only natural products in my mouth (I mean toothpaste, food is another topic here), I even use Aloe Vera to wash my clothes and clean my house,  the shampoo and conditioners are too with Aloe Vera,  face creams, and of course the Aloe Vera juice (there are 4 different to choose from- and not the one sold in GNC, sorry), also herbal formulas, vitamins and supplements. Everything that I need for my health and cosmetics I prefer to buy it with Aloe Vera. But listen- not any Aloe Vera…a special one.

What I actually did is that I changed my shopping store- instead of going to Publix, Walmart or Kroger, or any other general store for that matter, I shop from one company and they have a wide variety of products, for practically anything you and your family need to stay healthy.  They are very economic also, you can use the “fluoride free” toothpaste for 4 months or more, 1 bottle of Aloe Vera gel for 2 months (if you have a particular health problem- then you need 1 cup every day), the face cream for 5-6 months…

 Since I am using these products I haven’t practically been sick even with the occasional flu.  I even didn’t notice that until recently, when I was cleaning the drawer with over-the counter medications and I noticed that I haven’t used them at all. So here we go, I’ll stop talking, you give it a try..

 Feel free to browse the products, they have offices world wide, so if you live in Australia, or  United Kingdom or  Malaysia, it will be delivered by the offices there so you don’t pay oversea shipping fees. If you don’t know what to order, send me an email with your symptoms and complains and I’ll tell you exactly what you need, or what I would use..

 The other good thing is that if you decide to become a distributor you actually get paid to shop, and you’ll receive 15% off immediately of all products, life time, no other requirements (there is a minimum order requirement, but it’s different for different countries.

 If you don’t want to do that of course, you can use my personal sponsor

  ID # 001002401252

 as a referring agent (optional, but preferably)…This is the company:

 or go here for the products:

 If you live in another country, different from USA, just change the location on the upper left corner of the webpage to your country and your language, as they have offices worldwide, so you can read on your own language and shop in our own country, isn’t that convenient?

  Products to consider:

  1. Aloe Vera Gel (30 ml- 100ml/daily), 4 different tastes to choose from (that’s their best product)

 2. Forever A-Beta- CarE (contains Selenium and all anti- oxidants listed in my previous email)

 3. Forever Arctic Sea ® (can be used as a substitute for Flax seed oil)

 4. Forever Vision® – improves the general eye condition, a lot!

 5. Aloe Moisturizing Lotion-  This unique lotion has outstanding moisturizing properties for the skin;

 6. Aloe Vera Tooth Gel- I love this tooth gel, as it contains no fluoride (which we well know has a good contribution to Hyperthyroidism).

 7. Forever Alluring Eyes®. (eye cream). Keep in a refrigerator for best results.

 8. Forever Immublend- great product for supporting the immune system, especially helpful when that immune system is not doing well.

 9. Aloe Vera Gelly (I use that refrigerated for under my eyes, or any other skin irritations), helps puffiness, at least mine..

 (P.S. Note that none of the above products are FDA approved. This statement is not endorsed by, it’s my personal observation and recommendation on the subject)

  For more information about the benefits, you can just watch this short video:

  If you are ready to join the Aloe Vera family, click here, choose you country and proceed as directed:

Graves’ Disease Diet

Ultimate Diet Secrets for Graves' Disease and Hyperthyroidism

I know that Diet is very important when you have Graves’ Disease or Hyperthyroidism. When I was sick, I tried to avoid foods with high iodine content- like sea food, for example. Even though I like fish, shrimp ect and this is my favorite food. Many people have found that different foods make them feel different..

Do you have any experience about this? What makes you feel good and what makes you feel bad?

Share your thoughts with us- it may help other people as well.