Archive for the ‘Graves’ Disease Real Stories’ Category

Success Stories by Thyroid Sufferers

As one Cree storyteller said: Stories are Beings. You invite them to live with you. They will teach you what they know in return for being a good host. When they are ready to move on they’ll let you know. Then you pass them to someone else.

Stories will also sustain you in times of challenge, frustration, and failure and it will confront you in times of confusion, pain, and loss, as they do with me.

When it comes to success stories about people battling thyroid disorders, including Graves’ disease or Hashimoto’s, you can not find many. Not because there aren’t, but probably because they are not written in paper yet…But here are some that I want to share with you…To lift your spirit, to give you hope and assure you that there is always a way out:

MargaretMeyerWeb11. “My name is Margaret, am 62 years young, mother of 4 terrific daughters, and I live in Australia in a rural countryside. Have been a medical pathology technologist for 20 years but have always done all sorts of creative art leading to having an art supplies and teaching shop till 4 years ago…..Click here to read her success story:

2. ” My name is Sue. Perhaps I am a-typical because I first started with Graves Disease symptoms in 2001, diagnosed in 2002 when I first consulted my GP.   My journey therefore has been a long one.  I was told it was hereditary and my mother was hypo-thyroid so I didn’t delve further at that point into why I was affected”….  Click here to read more…

3. “Simona’s story..10 years ago I was diagnosed with Graves’ disease. I went to see my doctor after I’ve put on 10 kilos (~22 pounds) in the space of 2 months. I knew something was wrong, since I’ve always been very, very active, athletic, toned and never overweight. I was my doctor’s first case of someone gaining weight with an overactive thyroid”…..  See more at:

JanArmstrongWeb4.  This is Jan A.. She is 61 years old and has 3 sons. She was born in England and immigrated to Australia in l976.  She is a psychologist and enjoys countryside, riding, yoga, dogs, cinema, reading, drawing, gardening, walking, friends, family, travel, creativity, writing and alternative health. But one day….Read more about her journey here:

I have many more to share…and if you have a success story you want to share, let me know, I’ll be happy to publish it!

5. The next workshop is happening on:

02/19/2014, Wednesday at 2 PM EST.

Register and join us:

Thyroid Workshop for better health!


Simona’s story from Australia..touched my heart!

Ok, this will be a very short post today….

Graves' disease and overweight problems

Graves’ disease and overweight problems

I recently posted an article on my website about weight gain in hyperthyroidism. Many people responded with their stories, thank you so very much! I chose to publish one of them on my website, it touched my heart…This is Simona’s story (with the permission of the author of course!). I am sure you can learn a lot from this story, it has a lot to teach us all!

I’ll also be more than happy to publish your own story (anonymously or not), so other people can learn from experience as well. It doesn’t matter if you have Graves’ disease, Hashimoto’s or hyperthyroidism. On the bottom of that same web page there are links to similar stories people donated for the purpose of sharing their own experience and success. Happy reading! Click on the link below (or on the picture).  Here we go:

Simona’s Story